My dad was a great teacher and taught me a lot. I strive to return the favor to others

Secret Project

An experimental cross-departmental and immersive program at California College of the Arts. Along with a semester-long class, I facilitated a few two-day workshops around the SF Bay Area as well as a week-long blitz in Taiwan.

Secret Project: Taiwan videos

Co-taught with John Bielenberg
San Francisco, CA
Fall 2014–2016


Hey! What’s good in ___?

I created and designed a resource guide for creative people who want to learn about what good is happening in their city and ways to contribute back.

Spring 2013–Spring 2016


Social Good Guides

Authored by industry experts, the SGGs are a series of 20+ small business guides created to support startup and early stage social entrepreneurs and nonprofit founders, as well as anyone interested in producing projects with social impact.

As the lead strategist, I developed the site architecture, content strategy, and outreach.

Co-founded with Shana Dressler.

Spring 2013–Spring 2021


ation for Creatives

An online class on collaboration focusing on the different methods, steps, and potential pitfalls a team might encounter while working together.

I co-taught the class and developed the material along with David Bill


Confidence is ___

The FPX: Iceland failed hardcore. This spark what I called a “confidence rut”. It sucked. And because of this, I sought advice and insights from other creative folks. Which then turned into Confidence is ___, a series of recorded interviews.

I also created educational material which I wrote for GOOD magazine.

Oh, and I also gave a talk about this topic at HIKE SF back in 2015.

Confidence is video interviews


Get in touch for a more detailed portfolio, talk shop,
or discuss full-time or contract opportunities

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